From the Desk of Pastor Tammy...

Greetings in the name of our Lord and Savior Jesus, The Christ.

            Luxor Methodist Church exists on the very foundation that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who was sent to all humanity to wipe away our sin in order to reconcile us with our Creator for eternity.  Therefore, our mission statement is to know Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior in our own lives through worship, study, and times of fellowship. In addition, we endeavor to make Him known in the lives of others around us through our service and outreach enabling us to share with all we encounter the knowledge they too belong to Christ while affording the opportunity to reinforce their belief in Christ, learning who they can become in Christ, and know without doubt, that they too can make a difference for Christ as they continue to follow in His ways. 

CrossIf you do not yet have a church home of your own, let me encourage you to visit us at Luxor Methodist Church, also known as the Little White Church in the Vale, where you will  find a congregation with a passion to serve God, one another and our community. 

In His Service and Yours,

Pastor Tammy

Contact Us

Luxor Methodist Church
187 White Church Lane
Greensburg, PA 15601
Phone:  724-832-3450
Tammy Falcsik, Pastor
Chrissy McChesney, Pianist
Kristy Currie, Secretary  



10:30AM Sunday Worship

Children's Sunday School during Worship



6:30PM Thursday Night Bible Study